Daylight Medical
Anti Static, Anti Bacterial PVC

Anti Static, Anti Bacterial PVC


*Anti-Static: Static dissipative and conductive floorings guard you
and your sensitive equipment’s against alarming static charges
* Anti-bacteria: Some kind of Vinyl Floorings / PVC Floorings
materials has been treated for antibacterial or with antibacterial
materials, to kill or inhibit bacterial growth;
* Environment Friendly: Main materials of Vinyl Floorings / PVC
Floorings are PVC (polyvinyl chloride). PVC is environment friendly
non-toxic recycle-able material;
* Light Weight: Compared with other materials floorings, the Vinyl
Flooring / PVC Flooring weight is only 2.0~3.0Kgs/m2, much less
than most other flooring materials;
* Wearable: The top layer of Vinyl Flooring / PVC Flooring is a
transparent wear-resistant layer; This layer’s abrasion resistance
can be 300000 (traditional wood flooring is only 13000~20000);
This wear-resistant layer ensure the Vinyl Flooring / PVC flooring
can be used for 5~10 years.So, Vinyl Flooring Rolls / PVC Flooring
Rolls are especially suitable to used in Hospitals, Schools, office,
malls, super-markets;
* Flexibility and Rebound: Vinyl Flooring Rolls / PVC Flooring Rolls
are soft so it has good flexibility, and has good flexible rebound
after impact. Especially for the PVC Flooring Rolls, they have perfect
comfortable food feeling. Good quality PVC Flooring Rolls can
minimize human body injury when falling;

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