Daylight Medical
Anesthesia Machine Caelus Lite
Anesthesia Machine Caelus LiteAnesthesia Machine Caelus LiteAnesthesia Machine Caelus LiteAnesthesia Machine Caelus Lite

Anesthesia Machine Caelus Lite

Users Friendly

PureTouch user interface

Medec Puretouch allows you to swipe from one waveform to another in a fl uent motion and to browse through settings effortlessly with an unprecedented simplicity and visual acuity. Thanks to the smooth and responsive graphics, changing parameters was never easier. The 18,5 inch full-colour touchscreen controls the gas mixer (RotaSphere) and displays all ventilation parameters. The user interface can be easily confi gured, without the need to use any rotary knob. All changes are effected directly on the display by the touch of a finger. (Medical mouse connection for screen control also available)


For decades anaesthesiologists used to work with the classic rotameter tubes. Since new technologies create new possibilities Medec has launched a new approach called RotaSphere. Fresh gas fl ow settings are displayed in the form of a sphere. This allows immediate visibility of the carrier gas, set fl ows and 02 concentration, even from a distance. Simply tap the sphere to adjust the settings in a fl uent motion. If you prefer a more conservative approach, the classic rotameter tubes are still available.

Durable flow sensors

The digital fl ow sensors measure the flow rate with superb accuracy (thermal measurement principle) and show superior performance at low fl ow. Every sensor is digitally calibrated during production. As a result the sensor chip is always fully calibrated and temperaturecompensated. The fl ow sensors can be autoclaved (134°C) and reused during the entire life cycle of the unit. A 5-year warranty on the fl ow sensors guarantees an unequalled cost-effi ciency. Medec's fl ow sensors can reduce the cost of ownership by up to 30%.

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